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Net help desk software 10

Version: 65.47.23
Date: 13 May 2016
Filesize: 298 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Visa, Windows 7,8,10 (32 & 64 bits)

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Kostenlose Testversion zum Download. Testen Sie den i-net Help Desk 60 Tage ohne Einschränkung. Fordern Sie einfach einen Download- Link an. Sie erhalten dann innerhalb kurzer Zeit eine personalisierte Download- Adresse die für 10 Tage gültig ist. Testversion laden Ihre persönliche Online- Demo Lernen Sie den i-net Help Desk Online kennen! Natürlich kostenfrei und mit telefonischer Anleitung durch unsere Mitarbeiter. Sie brauchen nur einen Internetzugang und ein paar Minuten Zeit. Rufen Sie unsere Berater an unter +. Online- Session Das sagen unsere Kunden „ Der i-net Help Desk ist beim BSI seit mehreren Jahren zur Unterstützung des internen IT- Supports im Einsatz und verrichtet zuverlässig seine Arbeit. Die Installation war mit wenigen Mausklicks erledigt. Die Bedienung ist einfach und intuitiv. Im Vergleich mit den Wettbewerbern hat uns auch das Preis- Leistungsverhältnis überzeugt.“ ( Jörg Müller, Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik) Referenzen und Kundenstimmen für das Ticketsystem i-net Help Desk. Sie führen eine Produktauswahl für Help Desk- Software oder ein Ticketsystem durch? Hier nennen wir 13 Punkte, die aus unserer Sicht für Sie wichtig sind. Der prozessorientierte Best- Practice- Ansatz ITIL wird immer beliebter. Doch viele Unternehmen haben unklare Vorstellungen: Ist ITIL für uns überhaupt geeignet? Gibt es ITIL-zertifizierte Service Desk- Produkte oder Ticketsysteme? Lernen Sie unseren pragmatischen ITIL- Ansatz kennen.
The help desk software industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the computer software industry. As companies of all sizes across the globe continue to realize the importance of cultivating long-lasting relationships with their clients through increasingly technical media, this industry is poised to grow well beyond the hundreds of help desk software solutions that are already in existence. For small and large companies alike, choosing the right software solution is the key to providing outstanding customer service and support. In many cases, help desk software also provides internal team members with an effective way to communicate with one another about internal and external issues, while also allowing them to measure their effectiveness when responding to various types of client issues. For many companies, the process of selecting help desk software is a major cause of stress and the final decision often comes after many months of deliberation. Usually, this is due to the wide variations in available features across products and the lack of a clear understanding of which features will best suit the company’s needs. However, this process can be made much easier by gaining an understanding of the help desk industry and how each solution approaches the task of creating a transparent flow of information between both staff members and clients. Please feel free to use these links to jump to relevant sections of our site. What is help desk software? Help desk software is any software application that is used to provide customers with technical information on a product or service, while also supplying them with a connection to a support representative. The goal of this software is to increase a company’s efficiency and their productivity when using technology by providing workers and clients with timely answers to their questions and pertinent information that can.
All tickets at a glance The main screen of our Helpdesk Ticketing System features a powerful grid-view showing all the information about your current tickets. You can easily sort and filter tickets, review current statistics and even perform bulk operations without leaving the page, like assign tickets to agents, merge, close, delete tickets etc. Different view modes let you switch between all, in progress and unanswered ticket queues. In addition, you can view tickets that are assigned to you, tickets from a specific company, a specific customer etc. Whether you're a techsupport agent, an administrator or a manager, the grid easily adjusts to your current needs. This is the screen you're going to look at for the most part of your work day, so we've literally spent years polishing it. Everything is neatly organized Everything related to a ticket is displayed on a single page: the entire conversation, attachments, internal communications and other activity etc. You no longer need to dig through your support mailbox to look for that email you got from a customer a week ago. download try online Pricing All the features you need. When you need them. We know how hard it can be to stay on top of your game when dealing with hundreds of tickets daily. Our helpdesk ticketing system is not just another thing on top of everything else you have to deal with. It is designed to make your life easier without adding more complications. We have all the features you might need from a ticketing system - two-way email integration, file attachments, powerful ticket search, knowledge base and much much more. But the best part is, if you don't need a feature, you probably won't even see it and it won't stand in your way. Categories & Tags There is a lot more than writing replies to customers during a typical helpdesk-agent workday. We need to move tickets around, merge and link them.

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